中 国 人 文 学 会



The Acceptance of Qing Ya Ci(清雅詞)in the Qing Dynasty:
 Centered Around Jiang Kui
 ZHANG Jianglin


Why Were Dogs Used for Rituals? :
 In Relation to the Theory of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements(陰陽五行説)
 WU Xiujuan


The Shuihu-houzhuan(水滸後傳)and the Xuanhe-pu(宣和譜)
 Ujioka Masashi


How to Play with the Second Hand:
 Time Consciousness about “The Second” in Late Qing China
 JIN Bonan


Feminine Space in the Advertising Iconography of the Early Period of Women's Magazine(婦女雜誌)
 Zhao Haihan


The Reception of Swan Lake and its Variations in the Chinese Cinema


George Psalmanaazaar: An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan (1)
 Trans.by TAKEDA Masaya


【Book Review】Japanese Porn Videos Come to Taiwan:
 Heung-wah Wong and Hoi-yan Yau’s Japanese Adult Videos in Taiwan
 TERAZAWA Shigenori


Noh Text(謡曲)of Saiyu(西遊):
 An Attempt to Translate Yang Jingxian(楊景賢)’s Xiyouji Zaju西遊記雜劇)into Medieval Japanese
 IGA Tadashi