中 国 人 文 学 会


No.24(2016. 9)

■The Manifestation Patterns of Passion in Male Sexuality Poems in Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties
 CANG Yachen


■The Story of Metal/Gold, Jade, and Stone
 UJIOKA Masashi


■Jia Baoyu, Goes to Japan: 
 Nanwu Yeman’s Xin Shitouji
 LIN Liting


■Atypical Benefactive Verb in “GEI” Constructions
 IMAI Toshihiko


■Reduplicative Expressions in Wa
 YAMADA Atsushi


■Chairman Mao Picked on a Beggar:
 An annotated translation of Hanchao Lu(盧漢超) ’s Street Criers(3)
 Hanchao LU/Trans. by IKEDA Mai


■【Book Review】Women's liberation movement in modern China in terms of painting: 
 Zeng Yue(曽越) Shehui・Shenti・XingbieJindai: Zhongguo Nüxing Tuxiang Shenti de Jiefang yu Jingu(社會・身體・性別 近代中國女性圖像身體的解放與禁錮)
 FUJII Tokuhiro


■A Translation of the Note by Duan Yucai(段玉裁) on The Preface of Shuowen-Jiezi (說文解字) Written by Xu Shen(許愼)(3)