中 国 人 文 学 会


No.21(2013. 9)

■From Thief to Wuxia(武俠):
 The Change of Image of Arsène Lupin in Modern China
 IKEDA Tomoe


■Japanese Literary Translation During the Cultural Revolution:
 Comparison between the Publications
 MA Huijiao


The Dupian xinshu(杜騙新書) and the Jin ping mei(金瓶梅)
 UJIOKA Masashi


■Logbook of Xiyangji(西洋記)(2)
 TAKEDA Masaya


■Beggar Ringleaders in Late Qing and Republican China:
 An Annotated Translation of Hanchao Lu(盧漢超) ’s Street Criers(1)
 Hanchao LU/Trans. by IKEDA Mai


■Collation and Analysis of Foshuo anzhai shenzhou jing(佛說安宅神咒經)


■A Lecture on Historical Changes in the Meanings of Some Chinese Words
 Lect. by FANG Yixin/Trans. by YAMADA Daisuke, KABE Yuichiro/Ann. by MATSUE Takashi


■【Book Review】A Comprehensive of Reserch on Homosexuality in Literature:
 Shi Ye(施曄), Zhongguo gudai wenxuezhong de tongxinglian shuxie yanjiu(中國古代文學中的同性戀書寫研究)
 CANG Yachen


■【Book Review】The Documents for Studies on Chinese Detective Fiction:
 Ren Xiang(任翔), Gao Yuan(高媛), ed., Zhongguo zhentan xiaoshuo lilun ziliao(中國偵探小說理論資料)[1902-2011]
 FUJII Tokuhiro